A birthday wish, wedding hair and a dance floor

Today is a special day: it’s my little sister’s birthday!

And while I won’t get to talk to her today (her and her husband are living in Cambodia doing an internship with Samaritan’s Purse and it’s almost tomorrow there), I have a few pictures to share. They happen to be from her wedding (their 6 month anniversary was just a few days ago : ).

This first picture is of the hairpiece I made for my sister in lieu of a veil. She has beautiful hair, and tons of it, so we made this piece to stick in amongst her curls. This photo was snapped during the practice run for her hairstyle. The hairpiece is made from a circle cut out of a butter dish lid, covered in fabric with folded ribbon glued to the back. I braided up a couple of pieces of twine/yarn/etc and stuck that to the back. The turquoise flower pin was found at a thrift store for $4, the amber-colored jewels hanging down on chains were given to me in a box of random broken jewelry back when my grandmother was moving to a new house. And finally, the “hay” looking stuff in the middle is really the tops of wild grasses picked from our pasture (also used to decorate the tables at the reception hall).

And speaking of the reception hall: this picture was snapped when we were almost finished setting things up. The reception dinner and dance were held in a school gym with a super high ceiling. The task was to set up the tables in a way that everyone could fit, and to also allow for a dance floor in the middle. The challenge: to create an intimate area for dancing.

What a transformation! I was charged with creating that intimate dance floor: using white christmas lights and 12 white hotel sheets. I spent the day on the ladder, making a grid system out of wire – essentially an invisible drop ceiling, to which I attached the sheets. The lights were then attached to the grid above the billowing sheets, creating said intimate dance floor!

I know, a bit of a random post for today. At any rate, happy birthday Katie! And happy Wednesday to all…